Taxes may not be high on your summer wedding plan checklist. But you should be aware of the tax issues that come along with marriage. Here are some basic tips that can help keep those issues to a minimum: Contact Thomas Fortuna at 203-684-3512 for the latest in tax issues.  The Tax Guy offers free… Read More

This is Thomas Fortuna at The Tax Guy, Connecticut’s fastest growing tax prep business.  Sometimes, I have a client who asks me to bend the rules with a wink and a nod.  I am sorry but I cannot do that.  It is my obligation to uphold the tax regulations as prescribed by the taxing authorities,… Read More

Many parents pay for childcare or day camps in the summer while they work. If this applies to you, your costs may qualify for a federal tax credit that can lower your taxes. Here are 10 facts that you should know about the Child and Dependent Care Credit: 1. Your expenses must be for the… Read More

While the tax season has slowed a bit, most folks have filed their income tax returns.  But now is the time to plan for next years visit to The Tax Guy.  If your financial circumstances change, there are tax ramifications.  Do you need to adjust withholding tax, adjust estimated tax payments or time financial decisions… Read More

First, take a deep breath.  Then open the letter.  Next glance at the letter, then meditate to calm yourself down.   When you calm yourself down, contact Tom Fortuna at The Tax Guy at 203-684-3512 or email at  In the meantime, hear what the IRS has to say; Each year, the IRS sends millions of… Read More

At The Tax Guy, we will help you any way we can.  If you are not able to pay your taxes on time, we can file an Installment Agreement Request and discuss further options with the IRS.  If you need to file late, make it as soon as you can.  For tax prep in Southern… Read More

 It is getting close to the end of the 2014 tax season.  Why procrastinate and get hit with late filing penalties?  If you file with The Tax Guy, you can sit back and relax.  We do all the work.  For all your tax filing, bookkeeping and small business needs, contact the fastest growing tax prep… Read More

IRS YouTube Video: Simplified Home Office Deduction WASHINGTON — The Internal Revenue Service today reminded people with home-based businesses that this year for the first time they can choose a new simplified option for claiming the deduction for business use of a home. In tax year 2011, the most recent year for which figures are… Read More

Tax scams that use email and phone calls that appear to come from the IRS are common these days. These scams often use the IRS name and logo or fake websites that look real. Scammers often send an email or call to lure victims to give up their personal and financial information. The crooks then… Read More